科研情况 |
围绕中国青藏高原及其周边地区开展长管蚜族(半翅目:蚜科:蚜亚科) 系统分类学研究,首次对该地区物种丰富度最高的蚜虫类群长管蚜族进行系统的理定工作。通过系统整理我国积累的该地区标本,结合形态特征和分子,鉴定并描记了我国长管蚜族物种94属324种。为该区的生物多样性调查、物种保护、生物地理学研究等提供了重要的资料。正式发表SCI论文6篇。 1.Xu Y, Chen J,*Jiang LY,*Qiao GX. 2024. Taxonomy ofMatsumurajaSchumacher 1921 (Hemiptera, Aphidinae, Macrosiphini) in China.Zootaxa, 1: 27-42. 2.Xu Y,*Jiang LY,*Qiao GX. 2023. A new unique genus of Macrosiphini (Aphididae: Aphidinae) feeding onLonicerafrom China.Zoologischer Anzeiger, 186-187. 3.Xu Y, Chen J,*Jiang LY,*Qiao GX. 2023. A revision ofCavarielladel Guercio, 1911 (Hemiptera, Aphidinae, Macrosiphini) in China with description of one new species.ZooKeys, 235-292. 4.Xu Y, *Jiang LY, Chen J, Rustamovich KB, *Qiao GX. 2022. Six new species ofAspidophorodonVerma, 1967 (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Aphidinae) from China.ZooKeys, 1106:1-55. 5.Xu Y, *Jiang LY, Chen J, *Qiao GX. 2022. A new species ofAphis(Aphidinae: Aphidini) feeding onRubusfrom China,Zootaxa, 5183: 282-292. 6.Xu Y, *Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2021. A new species ofAphisLinnaeus from Guangxi, China (Hemiptera, Aphididae), based on morphological characters and DNA sequences.Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 24: 167-175. |